The Dwelling Place of

Vermilion County

We are a faith-based ministry dedicated to those experiencing homelessness and those at risk of experiencing homelessness and to providing each person we encounter acceptance, grace, compassion and friendship.


Our Mission

Serving as an advocate for those experiencing homelessness and those at risk of experiencing homelessness, The Dwelling Place of Vermilion County serves as a connection to services that have a positive impact on their life's journey.


Our Motto

Everyone can enter The Dwelling Place Day Center and feel safe because each Board of Director, each staff member and each volunteer says to our neighbors, "I C.A.R.E.”

We pledge to:

Inspire -- everyone encountered

Commit -- to making a positive impact on everyone's life

Advocate -- for the needs of our friends

Respect -- everyone and treat all with dignity

Encourage -- our friends through patience, kindness and compassion

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